Hai semua. Selamat berehat di petang hari.
Rindu kamu kamu semua kawan2 blogger .yeahh. :)
Sebenarnya dapat tag ni malam tadi lagi..tapi sekarang baru Tim ada masa..malam tadi Tim online sekejap je..sebab Tim baru balik keje petang..so tiredd :( So sempat buat satu post jee.
harap2 orang yang tag Tim tu tak marah la.hehe.
nak tau sapa orang yang hensem lagi gojes yang tag tuh?haha.
nama hensem dia .SKOLOH.hehehe.
nama dia tu pun dah buat Tim geli hati.
salu datang shoutbox cakap kita tak g sekolah. aiyaaaaa. org lame dah habes sekolahh.pe daaa.
oke lah. tag nya berbunyi macam ni.
- Put your music library on shuffle. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough. Ok, go! When you're done, tag people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this. The answer to #20 is the Title of your note. -
1.If someone says, “Is this okay?” you say
Adinda- Lah Ahmad
(hahaha.ape kene mengena nye weh? haha)
2. How would you describe yourself?
What are you waiting for- Mizz Nina ft Colby O' Donnis
(aku mmg tak suke tunggu2 neh )hehe
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Sorry Sorry - Super Junior
(hahaha.mintak maaf lah kau.)
4. How do you feel today?
Boys Boys Boys - Lady Gaga
(Tim rasa nak lelaki sekarang.hahaha )LOL
5. What is your life’s purpose?
I like it Rough- Lady Gaga
(aiyaaaakk. like it rough? hahaha.lain macam jee )
6. What's your motto?
Like a Song - Lenka
(yeahhh !!)
7. What do your friends think of you?
Ten Things I hate About You- Save Ferris
(haaaaahhh?? semua kawan2 bencikan Tim? oh tidak) *sigh
8. What do you think of your parents?
Tentang Seorang- Anda
( mereka adalah seseorang yang sangat penting bagi Tim)
9. What do you think about very often?
Suara Rindu - Azad Jazmin
(hehehee..macam tahu2 je tengah rindu seseorang,.)
10. What is 2 + 2?
dinda- Mahkota Band
(hahaa. tak de kene mengene dgn soalan laaa.cehh)
11. What do you think of your best friend(s)?
Nothing To Lose- MLTR
(hehe..moga kamu tak pernah hilang dari hidup saya sayang <3>
12. What do you think of the person you like?
25 minutes - MLTR
(hehehe. 25 minit je Tim akan tenung gambar dia setiap hari)
13. What is your life story?
Breaking My Heart- MLTR
(huhuuu..memang sadissss :C )
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Rude Boy- Rihanna
(hahaha. aku takkan sebab aku girl la)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Aku Cinta Padamu- Siti Nurhaliza
(yeahhh,hhehee.aku cinta padamu sayang)
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
There She Goes- Sixpense Non The Richer
(tgk tgk Tim datang menari)
17. What will they play at your funeral?
Takkan Terganti- Hello Band
(ish ish ish)
18. What is your biggest fear?
Laki Laki- band indon= tak tahu nama band
(hahahaa. ya memanggggg !! tim paling takut Lelaki.)
19. What is your biggest secret?
Without Saying- 9th Street
(ni lagu Korea..tak leh nak cakap laaa rahsia terbesar..nama pun rahsia kan? hehe)
20. What will you post this as?
Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart- Alicia Keys
(namo namo. nak tido dengan senang haty. aiyaa)
haaaaaaaaa. siapppp ! wokeh bebeh..
nak tag sape pulak ye?
anda adalah orang2 yang bertuah :)
Okeyhh.dah tag..korang bertuah tau sebab Tim pilih baik punyaaaa !!
Nak buat, buat laaaah. Tanak buat pun takpe.. takde paksaan.
Tapi saya wajibkan pada ENCEK LIPAS tu sebab dia kene buat!! hahahaa.,okeh.
see u all nanti !!
take care. jaga diri.
7 juta kali kena komen. meh la komen sini ! :
wahh ! best best .. tp mcm tade kena mgena jee ! ahaha ..
hahhaaaa..tau xpe..hehheee..kalau kebetulan kene mmg lawak laa.buat la areen !!
Thanks tau tag adeQ...
garu2 kepala yg xgatal gak td...
siap gak akhirnya.... ^^,
tu pon tibai jerk,....
same2 dear..
thx doe=)
ha3~ baik punya stail.. xpe2.. nanti keen wat klu ada masa free ye.. tunggu tau~ thanx~~ ^_^
kanjopang...beresssss.hehee..tq buat.
nusana : okey keen :)
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